July 12, 2016

Membership Options Page

Thank you for registering with Pillar and Ground of the Truth!

Membership here is free and includes full access to the website.  You can get your free membership by registering here.  Registration is not necessary to access the site at this time, but by registering, you will receive notifications when new content is posted or when important news occurs.

If you wish to support this blog and St. Andrew Orthodox Mission financially, you may donate by choosing a paid membership.  Please note, these memberships aren’t some kind of “premium”.  They are only here because some people have asked how they can donate to our mission.  This is a totally free site.  We prayerfully thank you for any support you provide to the mission and to keeping this blog running.

Donor – $25

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Sustaining Member – $50

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Archimandrite’s Circle – $100

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