Of Faith and Works – Part 1

This subject recurs with sufficient frequency that I anticipate there will be a second installment at some point.  In this initial treatment, I wish to demonstrate that the Orthodox treatment of works is not as a means to merit salvation, but rather is an honest assessment of the importance of works as the fruits which prove Read more about Of Faith and Works – Part 1[…]

Blessed by Unbelief – Homily on Thomas Sunday

Fr. Irineos reflects on the Apostle Thomas’s unbelief, changed to belief with his touching of the Risen Lord, and how we remain blessed by his confession of that which his eyes did not see. Listen to “Blessed by Unbelief – Homily for Thomas Sunday” on Spreaker. Today’s Gospel John 20:19-31 19 Then the same day Read more about Blessed by Unbelief – Homily on Thomas Sunday[…]

The Humble King Enters – Homily for Palm Sunday

In today’s homily for Palm Sunday, Fr. Irineos urges us to intensify our preparation as we journey with our Savior to the Cross. (Rough transcript below) Listen to “The Humble King Enters – Homily for Palm Sunday” on Spreaker.   Today the King of Glory comes to the Gates of Jerusalem and enters in, seated Read more about The Humble King Enters – Homily for Palm Sunday[…]