Bishop or Bridge Builder? EP Denies Unique Truth of Orthodoxy

The article linked below is from a Roman Catholic publication, but it was proudly shared by the Chicago archdiocese of the GOA without correction. Speaking the day before Pope Francis, Bartholomew “offered a blueprint for the future of inter-religious dialogue based upon recognizing the central role religion plays in human life.” In it the ecumenical patriarch Read more about Bishop or Bridge Builder? EP Denies Unique Truth of Orthodoxy[…]

Of Faith and Works – Part 1

This subject recurs with sufficient frequency that I anticipate there will be a second installment at some point.  In this initial treatment, I wish to demonstrate that the Orthodox treatment of works is not as a means to merit salvation, but rather is an honest assessment of the importance of works as the fruits which prove Read more about Of Faith and Works – Part 1[…]

The Church Fathers on 2 Thessalonians 2:15

Those who hold to sola scriptura carefully avoid any mention of 2 Thess. 2:15, where the apostle Paul does no less than command the faithful to hold fast to the oral teachings of the Apostles, and not just the written word: Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether Read more about The Church Fathers on 2 Thessalonians 2:15[…]

A Real “Bible Church”

Ah, the common attack on Orthodoxy from so called “Bible believers” – they propogate the lie that the Orthodox Church does not believe in Holy Scripture.  Nothing of course could be further from the truth.  Not only did we canonize the Scripture (you’re welcome), but an Orthodox service contains more Scripture than most evangelical Churches Read more about A Real “Bible Church”[…]

Is the Bible All There Is?

The following article was written on spec for submission to the faith section of local newspapers.  It is aimed to an audience unfamiliar with Orthodox Christianity.  I am posting it as submitted. Citations appear below the article. IS THE BIBLE ALL THERE IS? By Fr. Irineos Placek   Among Christians, and certainly among those of the Read more about Is the Bible All There Is?[…]

Homily on the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple

Listen to “Homily on the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple” on Spreaker. Fr. Irineos discusses the background of this Feast of the Church and how the role of the Theotokos (the Virgin Mary) was prefigured in the Old Testament scriptures appointed for reading during this Feast Day. It's only fair to share…FacebookTwitterGooglePinterestEmailFacebook Save

Pride In Heresy?

This is a real Facebook post from a “pastor” of an evangelical church.  He apparently thinks being called a heretic is a good thing.  This is my response to him: I have a cardinal rule, which is that I don’t discuss biblical exegesis with sola scriptura believers, because we cannot agree on the ground rules Read more about Pride In Heresy?[…]

Orthopraxy – The Proskomedia Service

From the weekly bulletin of St. Andrew Orthodox Church  If you ever arrive particularly early for the Liturgy, you will hear a service being conducted in the sanctuary.  This service, known as the Proskomedia, or Office of Oblation is a preparatory rite for the Divine Liturgy where the bread and wine are prepared for the Read more about Orthopraxy – The Proskomedia Service[…]

Troublesome “Christian” Memes

Evangelicals are quite adept at using social media to push their incomplete theology across multiple media.  Whether with videos of “preachers”, songs by praise bands, or the ubiquitous meme, multiple pieces of evangelical social media cross the screens of their friends or others daily.  And some of it is fine.  Some of it is not Read more about Troublesome “Christian” Memes[…]

Conciliarity, Obedience and the Egoism of Sola Scriptura

It is perhaps a sad commentary on how much time I spend on the internet, that many of the ideas I have for this blog stem from things I read on Facebook or other social media or internet forum communities.  Today, while reading some commentary on the Nativity of the Theotokos, I watched the discussion Read more about Conciliarity, Obedience and the Egoism of Sola Scriptura[…]