Is the Bible All There Is?

The following article was written on spec for submission to the faith section of local newspapers.  It is aimed to an audience unfamiliar with Orthodox Christianity.  I am posting it as submitted. Citations appear below the article. IS THE BIBLE ALL THERE IS? By Fr. Irineos Placek   Among Christians, and certainly among those of the Read more about Is the Bible All There Is?[…]

One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic – The Four Marks of the Church

The four marks of the Church are set forth in the Ninth Article of the Nicene-Constantinopolean Creed.  The Church is “One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.”  Each of these attributes is necessary to a proper and full description of the true Church.  Any group lacking even one of these characteristics is, by definition, not the Church. Read more about One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic – The Four Marks of the Church[…]