On the Genuine Orthodox Church and the World Orthodox

Although I am a priest of the Genuine Orthodox Church (also sometimes called “True Orthodox” or “Old Calendarist”) I try not to devote much in this blog to the disagreements we have with the “world orthodox”, those jurisdictions which utilize the new calendar or hold communion with new calendarists.  The reason I don’t do this Read more about On the Genuine Orthodox Church and the World Orthodox[…]

Chosen, Glorified and Crowned

On the Sunday of All Saints of North America, Fr. Irineos examines the question of “What is a Saint?” by looking at the readings from Vespers and the Epistle for this Sunday.

A rough transcript is provided below:


The Light and the Spirit: Homily for Holy Pentecost

On Pentecost Sunday, Fr. Irineos reflects on the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, and the founding of the Church. He also discusses how, though the Spirit may lead us into all Truth, this is only possible through the guidance of the Light of Christ.

Click Read More for Rough Draft


Orthopraxy – Blessings

From the weekly bulletin of St. Andrew Orthodox Church     It’s said that the Orthodox will bless anything!  Houses, icons, horses, cars, soldiers, guns, and of course, people!  The blessings are usually accompanied with formal prayers and the sprinkling of Holy Water that was, itself, blessed on the Feast of Theophany.  And of course, Read more about Orthopraxy – Blessings[…]