Creation v. Evolution: Does it matter?

Q.  I recently saw a video where a priest said that evolution and creation is irrelevant in Orthodoxy.  He says it isn’t consequential.  Is this right? A.  I suppose we have to define consequential to decide whether it is right or not.  On some very macro scale where the ultimate and only weight is one’s Read more about Creation v. Evolution: Does it matter?[…]

What are the Royal Hours?

As the Nativity services approached, I commented that it was almost time for Royal Hours, and I received an inquiry as to what Royal Hours are. Here was my response: From the earliest days of the Church, there have been appointed certain prayers to be read at certain times (or certain Hours if you will). Read more about What are the Royal Hours?[…]

Does the Orthodox Church Not Believe the Bible?

This query was posted on Facebook by a friend of a friend: Why are the words of Jesus’s disciples discredited but the words of people appointed saints not? The bible says it was inspired by God. Inspired meaning in the original language is “to breath life into” just as God inspired Adam. Does Orthodox religion Read more about Does the Orthodox Church Not Believe the Bible?[…]

Are the Objections of the Old Calendarists Just Modern Day Donatism?

by Bishop Irineos of Illyricum   Even among the New Calendarists, there remain many traditionalists who will condemn, or at least voice uneasiness over, the Calendar innovation of Meletios Metaxakis (sometimes referred to as Meletios Metaxis) or the continuing ecumenism of Bartholomew of Constantinople, and generally will agree with the Genuine Orthodox position on ecumenism, Read more about Are the Objections of the Old Calendarists Just Modern Day Donatism?[…]

Can an Orthodox Christian have a Christmas Tree? Isn’t It Pagan?

It has become very fashionable among those who would attack the Church to hurl accusations of paganism at every turn. In almost every instance what these accusations betray is a fundamental lack of understanding of the transformative power of the incarnation. God became matter, sanctifying all matter. We cannot be at war with God’s creation Read more about Can an Orthodox Christian have a Christmas Tree? Isn’t It Pagan?[…]

Did St. Tikhon Write a Western Rite Liturgy?

The “Liturgy of St. Tikhon” is not a liturgy of St. Tikhon at all, nor was it ever approved by the Russian Synod of Bishops at the behest of St. Tikhon. As explained by the Antiochian Archdiocese: “In 1904, Archbishop Tikhon received a response from the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church to his Read more about Did St. Tikhon Write a Western Rite Liturgy?[…]