Orthopraxy – Blessings

From the weekly bulletin of St. Andrew Orthodox Church     It’s said that the Orthodox will bless anything!  Houses, icons, horses, cars, soldiers, guns, and of course, people!  The blessings are usually accompanied with formal prayers and the sprinkling of Holy Water that was, itself, blessed on the Feast of Theophany.  And of course, Read more about Orthopraxy – Blessings[…]

One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic – The Four Marks of the Church

The four marks of the Church are set forth in the Ninth Article of the Nicene-Constantinopolean Creed.  The Church is “One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.”  Each of these attributes is necessary to a proper and full description of the true Church.  Any group lacking even one of these characteristics is, by definition, not the Church. Read more about One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic – The Four Marks of the Church[…]