Pride In Heresy?

This is a real Facebook post from a “pastor” of an evangelical church.  He apparently thinks being called a heretic is a good thing.  This is my response to him: I have a cardinal rule, which is that I don’t discuss biblical exegesis with sola scriptura believers, because we cannot agree on the ground rules Read more about Pride In Heresy?[…]

Troublesome “Christian” Memes

Evangelicals are quite adept at using social media to push their incomplete theology across multiple media.  Whether with videos of “preachers”, songs by praise bands, or the ubiquitous meme, multiple pieces of evangelical social media cross the screens of their friends or others daily.  And some of it is fine.  Some of it is not Read more about Troublesome “Christian” Memes[…]

Inquirer Question: What do the Orthodox say about having a personal relationship with Christ?

An inquirer into Orthodoxy recently posted this question, seeking to see how the Orthodox respond to the evangelical concept of having a personal relationship with Christ.  This was my response: I think every Orthodox faithful would tell you they have a personal relationship with Christ. I am not sure that any evangelical protestant would recognize Read more about Inquirer Question: What do the Orthodox say about having a personal relationship with Christ?[…]