Set a Watch Before my Mouth

Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Psalm 140:3   This week I had an outburst.  I lost my temper with someone who has been treating me badly for the last three years.  He’s been disrespectful of me publicly.  And on Tuesday, he interjected himself into a private Read more about Set a Watch Before my Mouth[…]

On the Genuine Orthodox Church and the World Orthodox

Although I am a priest of the Genuine Orthodox Church (also sometimes called “True Orthodox” or “Old Calendarist”) I try not to devote much in this blog to the disagreements we have with the “world orthodox”, those jurisdictions which utilize the new calendar or hold communion with new calendarists.  The reason I don’t do this Read more about On the Genuine Orthodox Church and the World Orthodox[…]

Troublesome “Christian” Memes

Evangelicals are quite adept at using social media to push their incomplete theology across multiple media.  Whether with videos of “preachers”, songs by praise bands, or the ubiquitous meme, multiple pieces of evangelical social media cross the screens of their friends or others daily.  And some of it is fine.  Some of it is not Read more about Troublesome “Christian” Memes[…]