The MP-EP Schism: It’s Not a Surprise; It is a Big Deal

What are we to make of this recent development in World Orthodoxy which, while percolating for some time, bubbled over this week when the synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate decided that, functioning as a court of last appeal, it would (25+ years post hoc) reinstate the deposed bishop Filaret Denysenko, along with other claimants to Read more about The MP-EP Schism: It’s Not a Surprise; It is a Big Deal[…]

Are the Objections of the Old Calendarists Just Modern Day Donatism?

by Bishop Irineos of Illyricum   Even among the New Calendarists, there remain many traditionalists who will condemn, or at least voice uneasiness over, the Calendar innovation of Meletios Metaxakis (sometimes referred to as Meletios Metaxis) or the continuing ecumenism of Bartholomew of Constantinople, and generally will agree with the Genuine Orthodox position on ecumenism, Read more about Are the Objections of the Old Calendarists Just Modern Day Donatism?[…]