Are the Objections of the Old Calendarists Just Modern Day Donatism?

by Bishop Irineos of Illyricum   Even among the New Calendarists, there remain many traditionalists who will condemn, or at least voice uneasiness over, the Calendar innovation of Meletios Metaxakis (sometimes referred to as Meletios Metaxis) or the continuing ecumenism of Bartholomew of Constantinople, and generally will agree with the Genuine Orthodox position on ecumenism, Read more about Are the Objections of the Old Calendarists Just Modern Day Donatism?[…]

On the Genuine Orthodox Church and the World Orthodox

Although I am a priest of the Genuine Orthodox Church (also sometimes called “True Orthodox” or “Old Calendarist”) I try not to devote much in this blog to the disagreements we have with the “world orthodox”, those jurisdictions which utilize the new calendar or hold communion with new calendarists.  The reason I don’t do this Read more about On the Genuine Orthodox Church and the World Orthodox[…]

Bishop or Bridge Builder? EP Denies Unique Truth of Orthodoxy

The article linked below is from a Roman Catholic publication, but it was proudly shared by the Chicago archdiocese of the GOA without correction. Speaking the day before Pope Francis, Bartholomew “offered a blueprint for the future of inter-religious dialogue based upon recognizing the central role religion plays in human life.” In it the ecumenical patriarch Read more about Bishop or Bridge Builder? EP Denies Unique Truth of Orthodoxy[…]

Homily on the Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers

Today we have appointed for the Gospel reading another parable.  But unlike many of the parables, which contain a readily discernable moral to them, the parable today is less a moral tale and more a prophecy.  Indeed, when we read that the householder sends his son, who is rejected and killed, we know right away Read more about Homily on the Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers[…]