Orthopraxy – Blessings

From the weekly bulletin of St. Andrew Orthodox Church     It’s said that the Orthodox will bless anything!  Houses, icons, horses, cars, soldiers, guns, and of course, people!  The blessings are usually accompanied with formal prayers and the sprinkling of Holy Water that was, itself, blessed on the Feast of Theophany.  And of course, Read more about Orthopraxy – Blessings[…]

Orthopraxy – The Proskomedia Service

From the weekly bulletin of St. Andrew Orthodox Church  If you ever arrive particularly early for the Liturgy, you will hear a service being conducted in the sanctuary.  This service, known as the Proskomedia, or Office of Oblation is a preparatory rite for the Divine Liturgy where the bread and wine are prepared for the Read more about Orthopraxy – The Proskomedia Service[…]

Orthopraxy – Approaching the Chalice

A short note from the Weekly Bulletin of St. Andrew Orthodox Church When we serve the Holy Eucharist, there are certain practices and that come from various traditions and certain customs that exist toward the end of assuring the sanctity of the Holy Gifts.  Remembering that Orthodox theology recognizes that the Eucharist is the true Read more about Orthopraxy – Approaching the Chalice[…]

Orthopraxy – Let My Prayer Arise as Incense

from the weekly bulletin of St. Andrew Orthodox Church   If there is a distinct smell that one notices when they enter an Orthodox Church, it is the smell of incense lingering from whatever the last service was.  It is in the walls, the carpets, the vestments.  The sweet smelling savor fills the temple and Read more about Orthopraxy – Let My Prayer Arise as Incense[…]

Orthopraxy – Prayer At Mealtime (Part 1)

From our weekly bulletin at St. Andrew Orthodox Church   Prayer is the constant companion of the Orthodox, alone, in community during worship in the church, and of course, with family.  Although you may have a family prayer, did you know that there are also separate prayers that the Church prescribes for each meal of Read more about Orthopraxy – Prayer At Mealtime (Part 1)[…]