What are the Royal Hours?

As the Nativity services approached, I commented that it was almost time for Royal Hours, and I received an inquiry as to what Royal Hours are. Here was my response: From the earliest days of the Church, there have been appointed certain prayers to be read at certain times (or certain Hours if you will). Read more about What are the Royal Hours?[…]

Thy Nativity O Christ Our God! – Homily on Nativity

In this homily delivered on Nativity (Old Calendar), Fr. Irineos discusses the incredible condescension of our Lord to take on human flesh, and, using the Troparion of the Feast, expounds on the theology behind this Troparion. Listen to “Homily – Nativity of our Lord in the Flesh” on Spreaker. It's only fair to share…FacebookTwitterGooglePinterestEmailFacebook Save