What are the Royal Hours?

As the Nativity services approached, I commented that it was almost time for Royal Hours, and I received an inquiry as to what Royal Hours are. Here was my response: From the earliest days of the Church, there have been appointed certain prayers to be read at certain times (or certain Hours if you will). Read more about What are the Royal Hours?[…]

Reflection on My Soul

My prayers are weak and ineffectual. They are diluted by the sinful state of my soul. It is only in His great mercy that God would condescend to hear them! I am possessed of the passions, egoism, pride and gluttony foremost. God permits me to pray for others so that I might fight against these Read more about Reflection on My Soul[…]

You’re So Vain: Homily for the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee

Fr. Irineos compares the prayer of the Publican and the Pharisee, and discusses the accusation that Orthodox engage in prayers of vain repetition. Luke 18:10-14 10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. 11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I Read more about You’re So Vain: Homily for the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee[…]

Orthopraxy – Let My Prayer Arise as Incense

from the weekly bulletin of St. Andrew Orthodox Church   If there is a distinct smell that one notices when they enter an Orthodox Church, it is the smell of incense lingering from whatever the last service was.  It is in the walls, the carpets, the vestments.  The sweet smelling savor fills the temple and Read more about Orthopraxy – Let My Prayer Arise as Incense[…]

Orthopraxy – Prayer At Mealtime (Part 2)

From our weekly bulletin at St. Andrew Orthodox Church     Last week we looked at the prayers before our evening meal.  This week, we’ll look at the prayers for the mid-day meal.  Our mid-day meal should be preceded by the Lord’s prayer.   Prayer:  Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Read more about Orthopraxy – Prayer At Mealtime (Part 2)[…]

Orthopraxy – Prayer At Mealtime (Part 1)

From our weekly bulletin at St. Andrew Orthodox Church   Prayer is the constant companion of the Orthodox, alone, in community during worship in the church, and of course, with family.  Although you may have a family prayer, did you know that there are also separate prayers that the Church prescribes for each meal of Read more about Orthopraxy – Prayer At Mealtime (Part 1)[…]